The Noongar boodjar on which Murdoch University is located has, for thousands of years, been a place of learning. As a university we are proud to continue this tradition and we commit to walking bullargar – together – with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as we pave our path forward.
Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples for the benefit of all Australians. To achieve this, we are implementing our second Reconciliation Action Plan and have created key supporting strategies and initiatives to help us move towards a more equitable future.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Since the launch of our inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) we have significantly raised the profile of reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and contributions.
Our second RAP (2019–2021) will ensure that Murdoch continues to strengthen our approach to driving reconciliation through our business activities and develop mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Employment Strategy
Murdoch remains one of the most inclusive universities in Australia and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy is further demonstration of that.
This strategy is a commitment by Murdoch to invest in initiatives that will realise the employment-related aspects of the Reconciliation Action Plan 2019 – 2021.
We are actively striving to increase the employment, retention and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.
Education Strategy
A review of higher education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (2012) recommends that universities take a whole of university approach to improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This review led to the first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander strategy in 2013 which saw an increase in student enrolments and student retention rates.
Our education strategy focuses on further increasing student enrolments, completions and success rates by fostering a life cycle approach.